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Genshin Impact - Yelan's Ascension Materials Farming Guide
Mar 10, 2023

Source: MMOWTS

Get wanting to farm the Ruin Serpent.

Yelan, the five-star hydro bow user, is available in Genshin Impact's 2.7 updates. With a unique dice theme, Yelan's abilities scale on HP. Her kit, especially her Burst, can buff your active player about the field. She suits the sub-DPS hydro applicator role well and brings benefits to an organization with different element types.


Like other new characters, she's gated behind the most up-to-date content. While three of the four materials for ascension (Varunda Lazurite, Starconch, and Recruit's Insignia) are found as soon as you unlock Liyue, one more Runic Fang can only be able to be present in The Chasm.


Varunada Lazurite


You will get a limited number of Varunada Lazurite in Souvenir Shops. The following typical boss fights also drop "hydro shards:" Hydro Hypostasis, Rhodeia of Loch, and Primo Geovishap (if infused with hydro). The weekly bosses dropping Varunada Lazurite are Stormterror, Azhdaha, and Childe.




This material is available on beaches in Liyue. Guyun Stone Forest's beaches have several, also as Yaoguang Shoal. Check out Teyvat Interactive Map to get a comprehensive log of star-conch locations.


Recruit's Insignia


Farm Fatui Agents for Recruit's Insignias. They're disseminated all over Teyvat, so you have to pick areas for farming. Usually, they shall be in a bunch full of diverse elements (Hydro, Pyro, Electro, and Geo), making it suitable not to ever rely on an individual element farming party. (Though, you can do what you want! With enough DPS, single-element parties are fine.)


Runic Fang


Runic Fangs are dropped by the newest weekly boss in The Chasm, the Ruin Serpent. It's not an especially difficult boss, but farming could be tedious. The Serpent dives in and out with the ground, and yes, it doesn't take damage while underground. A unique mechanism will also require use in the Lumenstone Adjuvant. You can check out our Ruin Serpent guide for a way to take it down.


Talent Books


Taishan Mountain drops Yelan's Prosperity books on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday.


Gilded Scales


Azhdaha, the Lord in the Vishaps, drops Gilded Scales. Azhdaha is unlocked by completing Zhongli's second story quest. Sayu and Kazuha also have Azhdaha's dropped materials for ascension.


Crown of Insight


Crowns are rare in Genshin, so you should like to use them on Yelan. The general rule should be to crown your primary DPS units. If you are unsure where Yelan fits in your team, I suggest delaying. If you'd like to crown Yelan, Crown of Insights can be purchased by level within the Frostbearing Tree and Sacred Sakura's Favor. Otherwise, you will need to participate in limited-time events to have Crowns.


Genshin Impact provides players with an explorable world containing rich content. In this magical land called Teyvat, various incredible events happen anytime. miHoYo from China officially released this game on September 28, 2020. The traveller, played by the player, needs to take an adventure in this vast open world. During the journey, the player will encounter enemies of different races and get to know many companions with unique abilities. The player's ultimate goal is to gradually reveal the secrets of Teyvat mainland and rescue the relatives who have been captured.


The paid currency in the game is called "Genesis Crystal." Players need to convert Genesis Crystals to Primogems after recharging their accounts to use paid services in the game, such as drawing new weapons and new characters or purchasing various consumables. In addition to direct recharge, there are many ways for players to obtain Primogems, such as subscribing to Blessing of the Welkin Moon ($4.99=3000 Primogems), participating in festival events in the game, completing quests and opening chests in the wild, etc. But accumulating Primogems is a long process; sometimes, the Primogems you spend cannot get you the 5-star character you want. So most players buy Genshin Impact Account on third-party websites such as MMOWTS. MMOWTS provides a security-verified Genshin Impact Account, which is manually levelled by professional players, allowing you to quickly obtain any five-star character you want and experience a more enjoyable adventure.


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Players who Buy Genshin Impact Accounts at MMOWTS can enjoy fast delivery and low prices, saving time and money. First of all, MMOWTS will ensure that every Genshin Impact Account purchased by the player is safe because all the items in these accounts are manually obtained by our professional team and are entirely legal, so there is no need to worry about the account being blocked. In addition, to avoid the loss of players' funds, MMOWTS provides a variety of secure payment methods and 24/7 customer service support.


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