Source: MMOWTS
Blizzard is fixing the honor bugs and claims that all kills have been recorded.
Since the PvP honor system was introduced to the game in the second phase of WoW Classic, the enthusiasm of many PvP enthusiasts has been quickly stimulated. You can now see players from different factions fighting each other in various parts of the Azeroth mainland. Their sole purpose is to kill each other, thereby improving their honor in the factions and getting more cool titles. However, things seem to be moving in the wrong direction: Over the past few weeks, many players have reported in the WoW Classic official community that they have encountered honor calculation problems, they have found errors in their counts when viewing the Honor option, and the kills weren't showing up on 'yesterday's kills' tab.
When the problem first occurred, Blizzard advised players to clear the cache, because they speculated that these problems might be related to the display cache not working as designed. However, some players continue to encounter honor bugs after using corresponding methods.
Developer Pazorax recently posted a new post in the official community of WoW Classic and responded to the issue. The development team made it clear that the problem will be completely resolved in a short time, and pointed out that players do not need to worry about the loss of killing statistics, because all the data has been recorded normally, but there is a problem with the interface display options.
"We've been investigating, and can now confirm that yes, this is a separate issue, that's not related to the caching issues we were experiencing previously. The caching issues made it more difficult to uncover this issue, and I appreciate the detailed reports of which kills were missing and over what time range which helped us track this down. "Pazorax said.
"We're getting pretty close to fixing this, and it turns out it was caused by the daily honor script running before the end of the day, causing it to miss kills that haven't yet happened. But worry not! Those kills are still recorded, they just weren't getting collected into the daily statistics correctly, so they're not displaying in-game for "yesterday" or "this week" kills / honor. The source of the issue appears to be a scheduling system treating a UTC time as a local time, and we believe we've found and fixed that problem a few minutes ago.
We're also working on a fix to repair the daily statistics which we're hoping to run Monday, in advance of the weekly rank adjustment, so it will correctly count all your kills and honor correctly for this week.
I want to stress, that we do have all the kills recorded, even though you ca n’t see them all in-game, and we're working hard to get the weekly statistics correct. "